
Birds Bird Breeds

Bird Breeds | Find the Right Pet Bird for You in 2020Bird Breeds | Find the Right Pet Bird for You in 2020

Information about Bird Breeds Bird breeds were among the very first animals that man domesticated to his use, probably right on the heels of the dog. Domestic chickens date back to the first permanent human settlement in India, about 5,000 years ago. And, even before early man had settled fully into stationary communities, nomadic peoples were using falcons and other raptors as a means of hunting. What are the best birds to have as pets? Find Best Bird Breeds for you Exotic birds, with their ornamental, rather than utilitarian, appeal was originally the province of the great civilizations. Evidence suggests that Egyptian rulers and nobility collected and caged colorful African birds as early as 4000 BC. The pursuit at that time involved incredible expense and so remained a hobby only for the very wealthy. With the rise of the Greek Empire, this civilization too came to cherish exotic birds as a symbol of status, power and wealth.


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Best Pet Birds | Find the right pet bird for you in 2020Best Pet Birds | Find the right pet bird for you in 2020

Best Pet Birds To Get   Imagine a new reality show: “Greatest American Bird.” You can bet your tail feathers that budgies (parakeets) cockatiels and conures would make the final three! What makes these pet birds so popular? All three have every quality we’re looking for in a pet bird. Budgies or parakeets, cockatiels and conures talk, they whistle, they can do tricks, and their personalities can charm us for hours. Best Pet Birds To Get: Budgies Or Parkaeets Budgies or parakeets have a bold attitude, which matches the many colors mutations they come in. A longtime fan of these birds, BIRD TALK’s Small Bird Columnist, as well as author of “Cockatiels for Dummies,” Diane Grindol pointed out that budgies come in two sizes: the English budgie and the American budgie (sometimes known as an American parakeet). “Though they are the same genetically,