
Fish Fish Breeds

Information About GoldFish (Pond Dweller & Aquarium favorite)Information About GoldFish (Pond Dweller & Aquarium favorite)

The color of GoldFish So, you have a goldfish and have no idea why is it called a goldfish when it looks orange or whether to keep it in your freshwater aquarium or not! The color of goldfish depends on the environment it is bred in as well as the light it is exposed to. However, they aren’t really golden – more a combination (or absence) of the two or three types of pigment cells black, yellow and red – that give the Goldfish a variety of color effects. It can be golden, red, white, bronze and even blue and black.     The goldfish is a freshwater fish and is the most common aquarium fish. Its scientific name is Carassius auratus auratus and it belongs to the carp family. This fish lives in a home aquarium for about six to eight years, though 20 years is a possibility! The maximum that a fish has been seen to grow is 23 inches,


Fish Fish Breeds

Chocolate Gourami Fish Breed | A Guide on Caring for GouramiChocolate Gourami Fish Breed | A Guide on Caring for Gourami

Species fundamental features Latin Name: Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestri, 1860. Family: Osphronemidae Subfamily: Trichogastrinae Chocolate Gourami is a small fish, no more than 5 cm long, with a flat-shaped body. It shows the typical characteristics found in all members of this family: filiform ventral fins, and the labyrinth; a specialized organ in the use of atmospheric air. Brown coloured (it gets its name from that), with several cream coloured stripes, which change according to its mood.     It also shows a characteristic cream, brown and black pattern on the anal and part of the tail fin. The filiform fins are not easily seen, and most of the time stay folded over the body. It’s a mouthbrooder. Sex differences are not very significant in low breeding activity periods but are outstanding when breeding. Males show a pronounced cream/white edge mainly on the dorsal fin and a more intense reddish body. Females are rounder and acquire a less intense colour,


Fish Fish Breeds

Breeding Betta Fish | Best Step By Step GuideBreeding Betta Fish | Best Step By Step Guide

Breeding Betta fish in captivity One of the easiest Betta fish to maintain, Breeding Betta Fish is also easy to breed in captivity. In fact, the process is quite interesting. The male Betta builds a bubble nest at the water surface and indicates its readiness to mate. The female then lays the eggs and the male scoops them in his mouth. He spits them into the bubble nest where they remain till they hatch. Once the fry hatch, they have to be separated from the male who may eat them.   You must know the following things about Breeding Betta Fish  before you start:   Breeding Betta fish: It is important to know the male from the female. Whereas two males will fight to the death, females can stay together. Also, the male has much longer fins than the female. It’s best to keep male and female Betta in separate tanks except for a few hours when they spawn.


Fish Fish Breeds

Guppy Breeding | Best How Do Guppies Breed?Guppy Breeding | Best How Do Guppies Breed?

Things to Think About When Out Crossing Guppy Strains   If you’ve just entered into the hobby of guppy breeding there you are definitely on an adventure of learning. and there are lots for you to learn. It is an exciting hobby and guppy breeding show guppies can really bring a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. Also, it comes with a lot of work which is well worth it, if you are enjoying the guppy breeding of your show guppies and are beginning to place well in the guppy shows.   There are some basic rules that are followed for the guppy breeding of show guppies which is making sure that you get a good quality strain that is well-established, and then once doing so making sure that you keep the strain as pure as you can.   What this means is when you are following this practice that you are inbreeding the strain. With inbreeding,


Fish Fish Breeds

Tropical Fish For Beginners | Best Information & GuideTropical Fish For Beginners | Best Information & Guide

History of Tropical Fish Tropical Fish have been kept in captivity as food items for hundreds of years. And, if you look at the many goldfish colors and forms produced by Chinese breeders over the centuries, or if you compare wild form Betta splendens to the aquarium version, it’s obvious that people have not only kept fish for a very long time, but we have also bred them selectively. All we can say for certain in establishing a timeline is there are pictures of captive fish in ancient Egyptian art.   The modern aquarium hobby seems to have begun in the nineteenth century. There are still a few surviving Victorian fishtanks – ornate affairs with very little room for fish in them. Fishkeeping seems to have had a short period of popularity back then. There are also good records of a healthy German aquarium hobby in the period before the first world war. Older tanks often had metal bottoms,