Massive Cat Head Injury Symptoms, Treatment & Precaution
All cat head injuries are potentially life-threatening, even if there is no outward sign of cat head injury. The skull is a bony casing, and the brain bounces against the skull when there is a blow on the head. This can cause bleeding to occur within and around the brain, and the accumulation of blood can compress the brain.
Cat head injury symptoms
If your pet is or becomes unconscious, immediate veterinary attention is necessary. Other signs of cat head injury that the brain has been affected are-:
- img src-: animalfriends.co.uk
- Uneven pupil size (caused by pressure on the brain from bleeding)
- Pale gums
- A slow pulse (less than 60)
- Limb paralysis or stiffness
- Â Conclusion
If your cat is unconscious, extend its head and neck and pull the tongue forward. Clean the blood and fluids from the mouth, and transport the animal on a flat, hard surface to the veterinarian or veterinary hospital.
The most frequent cause of serious head injury is being hit by a car. Kittens will also occasionally sustain head injury from being hit by falling objects. Adult cats are fortunate in having large muscles that cover their skulls and cushion some blows to the head. In serious accidents. do not overlook possible chest, abdomen. or limb injury, as well.

Cat Head Injury Home Remedies
Observe your cat carefully: check the pupils. pulse, and gums frequently, and treat for shock. Control any bleeding with direct pressure. using a clean cloth. Remove all blood. mucus. and debris from the mouth and give artificial respiration, if necessary. If the skull is fractured, transport your cat on a flat, hard surface to the doctor’s office.
If your pet appears normal but has convulsions in four to six months after the injury, check with your doctor. This condition is occasionally seen and requires no medication; the convulsions usually disappear in a few months. This is thought to be a temporary ab-normal electrical brain discharge, provoked by the injury, which resolves itself. Of course, if the seizures get worse, further tests will be needed.
Cat Head Injury Treatment
Your veterinarian will need a good history of the accident that happened. Your pet’s head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, and neck will be examined. The back of the eyes will be examined with an ophthalmoscope to check for pressure on the brain and for evidence of hemorrhage. A complete neurological exam, in-cluing checking of the reflexes, will be done. The chest and abdomen will be examined for injury or internal bleeding. The limb sand pelvis will be checked for fractures or dislocations.

Since bleeding within the skull can be suspected from a thorough physical examination and not by X-rays in general practice, skull X-rays are helpful only if a fracture is present.CAT scans, a very good diagnostic procedure are available at major veterinary centers.
Oxygen and medication (steroids) may be used to reduce brain swelling, but your veterinarian will not give tranquilizers or other medication that may obscure the observation of your pet’s improving or deteriorating brain injury.
If your cat was unconscious at any time, ask your veterinarian to make sure someone competent will be monitoring your pet through the night; an increasing number of hospitals are equipped for intensive twenty-four-hour care. (If not, ask if you could monitor the ca tat home.) Registration in a university veterinary hospital or an emergency hospital may be requested if one is nearby and if your doctor feels that it would be helpful.