
Cat Cat Care & Grooming

Best Siamese Cat Breed – Related Breeds and Litter Box GuideBest Siamese Cat Breed – Related Breeds and Litter Box Guide

The Siamese cat is a “natural” breed meaning that it wasn’t developed by breeding other breeds together to create it. It was found in nature. However, several other breeds of cat have been derived from this natural breed. I think these are all great cats, but not quite as great as I. Related Breeds Of Siamese Cat Breed The Balinese is derived from the Siamese. Essentially this cat is a long haired version of the Siamese. As such, the CFA recognizes only the four main point colors, but other Cat Associations recognize a broader variety of points. The Tonkinese is a cross between the Burmese and the Siamese. Originally the Burmese breed was typically cross bred with the Siamese. However, the Burmese tends to be a solid color cat with a heavier body type than the Wedgie Siamese. Tonkinese cats have points on their body, though their base body color tends to be darker than that of the Siamese.


Cat Cat Breeds

Balinese Cat Breed(Characteristics, Temperaments, Care)Balinese Cat Breed(Characteristics, Temperaments, Care)

The Balinese cat is a Siamese cat dressed up in a medium-long silky white coat and a plumed tail. When they first appeared in the 1940’s, breeders thought they were just anomalies in the pure Siamese bloodlines. However, in the 1950’s, a breeder in New York and a breeder in California independently began to develop the new breed. Since long hair in a Siamese is a recessive gene, it takes a pair of long-haired Siamese to produce a long-haired kitten. The New York breeder, Helen Smith, chose the name “Balinese” because the graceful movements of the cat reminded her of the graceful dancers of the island of Bali. The first Longhaired Siamese was shown at a New York cat show in 1961. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) only recognizes the four official Siamese color varieties as Balinese and calls all other longhaired color varieties Javanese. Other cat fancy organization in the US and Britain allow many other longhaired color varieties to be grouped under the Balinese.


Cat Breeds Cat

Best Japanese Bobtail Cat Guide – Characteristic & Cat CareBest Japanese Bobtail Cat Guide – Characteristic & Cat Care

The Japanese Bobtail Cat has been a popular domestic cat in Japan, China and Korea for many centuries. The Bobtail was mentioned in Japanese literature almost 1000 years ago and was portrayed in woodcuts and silkscreen paintings that date back to the early 17th century. One famous tale concerns a small bobtail female cat named Maneki-Neko that raised a paw and beckoned to strangers giving them good fortune. Stylized renditions of the maneki-neko are found on the façade of a Buddhist temple near Tokyo and on many store fronts and in many restaurants. While these cats are usually only seen at cat fancy shows in the US, they can be seen everywhere in Japan. Tri-colored (white with patches of red and black) cats are called Mi-Ke (mee-kay) and are very popular in Japan. However the formal US breeding program was started by Elizabeth Freret when she imported 3 Bobtails from Japan in 1968. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) accepted the breed for registration in 1969 and accepted the Japanese Bobtail for Championship status in 1976.


Cat Cat Breeds

American Wirehair Cat Breed(Characteristics, Temperament, Cat Care)American Wirehair Cat Breed(Characteristics, Temperament, Cat Care)

The American Wirehair is another uniquely American cat breed that began as a result of a spontaneous genetic mutation on a farm in upstate New York. In 1966 one of a litter of six American Shorthair kittens exhibited an unusual sparse and wiry red and white coat. The aberrant male kitten, named Adam, was bred with other American Shorthair cats. It soon became obvious that the wirehair gene was dominant as litters sired by Adam were half Wirehair kittens. An analysis of Adam’s coat by geneticists showed that this was a previously unknown coat type. A selective breeding program was started with the only out-crosses being to carefully selected American Shorthair cats. Wirehairs were first recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 1967 and accepted for championship competition in 1978. There are sufficient numbers of Wirehairs now to indicate that they have some significant differences, apart from the coat, to distinguish the breed from the American Shorthair.


Cat Cat Breeds

American Shorthair Cat: Characteristics, Color Varieties, TemperamentAmerican Shorthair Cat: Characteristics, Color Varieties, Temperament

The American Shorthair (ASH) cat is descended from European cats brought to North America with the early European settlers who carried cats on their boats to hunt ship’s rats. These working cats flourished on pioneers’ farms and evolved to establish themselves as North America’s shorthaired cats. The ASH evolved into a versatile and hardy breed with a short dense coat to protect them against the cold winter. The hunting skills of these Shorthairs allowed them to move between households, farms, and feral life without going hungry. Selective breeding was started to preserve these beautiful cats and preserve the uniqueness of the North American Shorthair. In 1906 the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) officially recognized this breed which was known as the Domestic Shorthair. The cat breed was renamed the American Shorthair in 1966 to reflect its American heritage and is one of the top ten most popular breeds registered by the CFA. Cat size Medium/Large Exercise Requires little or no exercise Grooming Minimal grooming –



Rabbitry – Get All Information Here | Expert GuideRabbitry – Get All Information Here | Expert Guide

Rabbitry The rabbitry may consist of a few odd hutches or a well-designed building or group of buildings in which have been built several hutches. Floor layout must be carefully planned, for the ease of management depends largely upon correct grouping and spacing of hutches. Full consideration should be given to details of mailer expansion before the rabbitry is built, for very often the rabbitry will be enlarged. It should be remembered that work in a badly designed rabbitry may easily take twice, or even three times, as long as the same work in one which is well designed. There is also the question of the appearance of the rabbitry. Under the present law, embodied in the Allotments Act of195o, no Landlord may prohibit rabbit keeping unless, amongst other things, it constitutes a nuisance. It may well do, this if the appearance is bad and presents an ugly view to neighbors. Information about rabbitry There are several advantages and disadvantages of an indoor raid,

rabbit strangles

Rabbit Rabbit Health

Rabbit Strangles – Symptoms, Causes and Basic TreatmentRabbit Strangles – Symptoms, Causes and Basic Treatment

Rabbit Strangles Rabbit Strangles is caused by a streptococcal bacterium that affects the lower jaw of the animal. This disease is easily communicable and spreads rapidly among the stock of rabbits. It is a kind of throttle that is also known as equine streptococcus. In general, other animals like horses and dogs are known to get infected with this disease. But strangles in rabbits is rare that is not incurable. As soon as the symptoms appear in rabbits, treatment is available that can be implemented to get the best recovery. As afterward, the situation may go out of control and turn the strangles infection in rabbits dreadful. Symptoms of rabbit strangles: It is indispensable to consult a veterinarian first as strangles in a rabbit is an uncommon syndrome. Not many references are available that give an idea about the seriousness of the disease. However, prominently visible symptoms help to understand various stages of the illness. These are: Illness in rabbits Throat,


Rabbit Rabbit Breed

Satin Rabbit – Learn About its History, Basic CharacteristicsSatin Rabbit – Learn About its History, Basic Characteristics

The distinctive feature of the Satin breeds is an exquisite satin-like texture and sheen which is produced by a peculiar modification of the hair, the scales being much flattened and the central hollow cells found in other fur types being either partly or completely absent. The mutation producing these structural modifications is completely recessive to the normal coat. Satin Rabbit Breeds Information The mutation v, as first established in 1930 in America, and was only imported into this country in 1947. Since then there have been several further importations. The original importations were of Ivory (albino) Satins and this remains by far the most popular color, although some other colors have been established. The coat is of a rollback nature and the fur length 1 to t4 inches. Although it is at present too early to decide whether the pelt will be of lasting value, there is a certain demand for good quality Satin pelts, and in fact,


Cat Breeds Cat

The Chartreux Cat Breed Guide(Characteristics, Temperaments)The Chartreux Cat Breed Guide(Characteristics, Temperaments)

The Chartreux Cat or Chartreuse cat is native to France and is not recognized in Great Britain because of its similarities to the blue British Shorthair. However in the rest of Europe and North America, differences between the two breeds are emphasized and it is classed as a separate cat breed. The name, Chartreux, has been associated with this breed since the 16th century. Some historians claim that the breed is named after the Carthusian monastery, the Grande Chartreuse, founded in the 11th century in south-eastern France. Others think that since the breed had a woolly coat, the name was derived from a type of Spanish wool, called “Pile de Chartreux”. The modern history of the breed began on the island of Belle-Ile off the coast of Brittany, France. The Leger sisters discovered a colony of the large blue cats and began to breed them in the late 1920’s. The first Chartreux was shown in 1931 and later descendants when on to win a number of shows before the Second World War.


Cat Cat Breeds

American Bobtail Cat: Characteristics, Temperament & Cat CareAmerican Bobtail Cat: Characteristics, Temperament & Cat Care

The American Bobtail cat is the most recent breed that has been accepted for championship status (2006) by the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA). The American Bobtail is easy to recognize by its wild appearance and naturally occurring bobtail. The American Bobtail is totally unrelated to the Japanese Bobtail and its stumpy tail seems to be a product of the Manx gene. The Bobtail is a purely American developed cat and at this time is not recognized by British or European cat fancy organizations. The Bobtail seems to have originated in Iowa in the early 1970’s and at some point in its development was crossed with Himalayan and Birman cats which probably accounts for the varied coat lengths which range from medium-short to semi-longhair. The Manx gene is unstable so Bobtail kittens can be born with no tail, longer tail of the bobtail. In 1990 the CFA and the International Cat Association started to accept American Bobtails for registration.