
Tetra Fish Guide | Neon, Cardinal, Ember, Serpae Fish

Ember Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Amandae


Hyphessobrycon Amandae is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this Tetra Fish and usually has a maximum length of 0.8″. It needs at least a 5 gallon tank for survival. They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention.

The water needs to have a temperature between 68-82° F. These Ember fish can eat moina, grindal worm, Artemis, daphnia and flakes. They usually prefer low light and hence like to swim in dense areas. They are perfect for a small aquarium but keeping them with large fishes is not healthy.

Also, Check Out guppy fish guide.

Neon Tetra Fish – Paracheirodon Innesi


Paracheirodon Innesi is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.2″. It needs at least a 10 tank for survival.

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention but will not survive drastic change in their environment. The water needs to have a temperature between 70 – 82° F.

These fishes can eat brine shrimp, freeze dried blood worms, tubifex, daphnia and flakes. It is the most common freshwater fish that are kept in homes. It has a blunt nose and a spindle-shaped body.

Cardinal Tetra – Paracheirodon Axelrodi


Paracheirodon Axelrodi is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.4″. It needs atleast a 15 tank for survival. They require a little attention.

The water needs to have a temperature between 73 – 81° F and a pH between 3.5 to 7.5. These fishes can eat brine shrimp, freeze dried blood worms, tubifex, daphnia, micro pellet food and flakes. This fish is very popular among the beginners.


They are school fish, so they should be kept in a group of six or more. They require frequent change of water.

Pristella Tetra – Pristella Maxillaris


Pristella Maxillaris is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.8″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.

They require a lot of attention. The water needs to have a temperature between 72 – 82° F and a pH between 6.0 to 7.5. These Pristella fish can eat artemia, granules, daphnia and flakes.

They are school fish, so they should be kept in a group of six or more. They are very serene species and does not make out well with big fishes.

Bloodfin Tetra – Aphyocharax Anisitsi


Aphyocharax Anisitsi is one of the types of Tetra Family, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2.2″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.

The water needs to have a temperature between 64 – 82° F and a pH between 6.0 to 8.0 . These fishes can eat frozen, dried and live foods. They are school fish, so they should be kept in a group of six or more.

This Bloodfin tetra is very popular among the beginners. They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention.

Emperor Tetra – Nematobrycon Palmeri


Nematobrycon Palmeri is one of the types of fish, with  the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.6″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival. The water needs to have a temperature between 73 – 81° F and a pH between 5.0 to 7.5 .

These fishes can eat dried, daphnia and artemia. They are very beautiful can give a diversity to the aquarium. This Emperor Tetra is very popular among the beginners. They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention.

Rummy Nose Tetra – Hemigrammus Rhodostomus


Hemigrammus Rhodostomus is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival. The water needs to have a temperature between 76 – 80° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.0.

These fishes can eat dried flakes, live and frozen foods and granules. They light should not be too bright and is a very popular choice among the buyers.

This Rummy Nose Fish is very popular among the beginners. They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. You need to replicate its natural habitat.

Diamond Tetra – Moenkhausia Pittieri


Moenkhausia Pittieri is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2.4″ in males but usually the females are smaller. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.

The water needs to have a temperature between 72 – 82° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.0 . These Diamond Tetra can eat frozen, flakes and live foods. They can be kept with variety of fishes. This fish is very popular among the beginners. They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention.

Black Skirt Tetra – Gymnocorymbus Ternetz


Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2.4″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.

The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 78° F and a pH between 6.0 to 7.0 . They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. This Black Shirt Fish is very popular among the beginners. They can eat any worm or insect.

Head and Tail Light Tetra – Hemigrammus Ocellifer


Hemigrammus Ocellifer is one of the types of fish, with  the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.8″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.

The water needs to have a temperature between 75 – 82° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.5 . They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention.

This Head And Tail Light Tetra is very popular among the beginners and advanced hobbyists. They can eat dried foods, bloodworm, Artemis, daphnia and brine shrimp. They are suitable for heavily planted aquariums.

Also, check out Foreground Aquarium Plant.

Serpae Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Eques


Hyphessobrycon Eques is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.6″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 82° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.0.

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are recommended to be kept in groups of 8 or more fishes.

They provide a variation but should be kept with specific fishes as they nip. Serpae Tetra can eat dried foods, frozen and live foods. They are suitable for heavily planted aquariums.

Click here know how to clean aquariums.

Black Neon Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi


Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.4″. It needs atleast a 15 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 82° F and a pH between 5.0 to 7.5 .

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are recommended to be kept in groups of 8 or more fishes. They provide a variation and colour to the aquarium. Black Neon Fish can eat dried foods, frozen and live foods like worm. They are suitable for heavily planted aquariums.

Glowlight Tetra – Hemigrammus Erythrozonus


Hemigrammus Erythrozonus is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.6″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 75 – 82° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.5 .

Have a look at fish tank setup

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They love planted fish and love to play with them and hide in them. Glowlight fish provide a variation and colour to the aquarium. They can eat dried foods, bloodworm, daphnia and brine shrimp. They are not suitable with bigger fishes.

Penguin Tetra – Thayeria Boehikei


Thayeria Boehikei is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2.4″ but they are mostly 1.4″. It needs at least a 20 gallon tank for survival. The water needs to have a temperature between 73 – 82° F and a pH between 5.5 to 8.0 .

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They provide a variation and colour to the aquarium. They can eat dried foods, small insects and worms. Penguin tetra are ideal for big aquariums.This fish is very popular among the beginners.

Blind Cave Tetra – Astyanax Mexicanus


Astyanax mexicanus is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 3.5″. It needs atleast a 29 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 77° F and a pH between 6.5 to 8.0 .

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. You do not need to add plants as they are blind. They can eat dried foods, frozen or live foods. They are ideal for big aquariums.

This Blind Cave Tetra is very popular among the beginners. They are very peaceful and do not irritate other fishes. They love to hide under caves

Black Phantom Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus


Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.4″. It needs atleast a 15 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 82° F and a pH between 5.0 to 7.0 .

Black Phantom are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are not colourful but yet they are attractive. They can eat dried foods, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, daphnia, Artemia.

Lemon Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis


Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis is one of the types of tetra, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.6″. It needs atleast a 20 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 82° F and a pH between 5.0 to 7.5 .

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are not colourful but yet they are attractive. Lemon Tetra Fish can eat worms or any fish food. They should be kept in a group of 8 or more.

Flag Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Heterorhabdus


Hyphessobrycon Heterorhabdus is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 1.4″. It needs atleast a 15 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 68 – 79° F and a pH between 5.5 to 7.5 .

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are not colourful but yet they are attractive. Flag Tetra can eat dried foods, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, daphnia, Artemia. They are very peaceful community.

Bleeding Heart Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Erythrostigma


Hyphessobrycon Erythrostigma Tetra Fish

This is one of the types of fish, with the species name of this fish and usually has a maximum length of 2.4″. It needs atleast a 30 gallon tank for survival.The water needs to have a temperature between 70 – 82° F and a pH between 4.0 to 7.5 .

Quick Read NeonTreta fish tank

They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are not colourful but yet they are attractive. Bleeding Heart Tetra can eat brine shrimp, bloodworm, flakes, daphnia. They are very peaceful community. They need to be kept in a group of 6 or 8.

Buenos Aires Tetra – Hyphessobrycon Anisitsi


They are very easy to take care of and does not require a lot of attention. They are not colourful but yet they are attractive. Buenos Aires Tetra Fish can eat brine shrimp, bloodworm, flakes, daphnia, artemia.